"You're playing all the wrong notes!"
Morecambe looks away and bares his teeth, before taking Previn by the collar.
"I'm playing all the right notes," he says, "but not necessarily in the right order."
The full clip is embedded at the end of the post.
Bloody Mindedness
So what has this to do with a recipe challenge? Whenever I have some new baking recipe idea, I think of this punchline. I know what the ingredients should be, but rarely have any clear idea of the quantities. There have been countless instances of experimentation gone wrong, with the end result being regarded as inedible by everyone else, leaving me to doggedly work through the entire batch out of a combination of bloody mindedness and greed.I use all the right ingredients, but not necessarily in the right amounts.
So - I believe I know the ingredients for a fantastic Paleo orange chocolate mousse. I was about to attempt to make it yesterday when I realised the likelihood of immediate success was low. If an infinite number of monkeys were put in an infinite number of kitchens with the ingredients I have in mind, then one of them would come up with the perfect result; but I have only one kitchen and a distinct shortage of monkeys.
For someone like me with little or no innate grasp of baking, good recipes evolve through many iterations of trial and error - and I have not the time or patience to embark on such a project at the moment. Moreover, in the likely event that Mrs M deems the output of my early efforts to be unacceptable, I will doubtless find myself troughing through the lot in a single sitting, which would not be good for my current program of Christmas fat reduction, even if the ingredients are technically Paleo. Readers who recall my Paleo apple crumble experience will know what I mean...The Challenge
So - I am appealing to all you readers who have a baking instinct honed over the years, to suggest the proportions in which the following ingredients might be combined to make a wonderful Paleo orange chocolate mousse. That way I reckon we can beat the odds and get pretty close on a first attempt.Here are my proposed ingredients:
- Cocoa powder
- Coconut oil or Coconut cream (the solid block form)
- Chestnut flour or almond meal
- Freshly squeezed orange juice
The chestnut flour is sweet, so that would be my preference (plus I have some already!) The almond meal might not be sweet enough but I am thinking the orange juice ought to take care of that. I find coconut cream and cocoa powder tend to bring out the sweetness in a mixture, so perhaps it could still work with almond meal.
I am looking forward to your ideas - in the meantime, here is a video clip of the Morecambe and Wise comedy sketch. If you have not seen it before (this can't possible include anyone in the UK!) then it's definitely worth a watch.
See Also:
Paleo Apple Crumble and the Chestnut Tojan Horse - Bending the Rules to Breaking Point... Read more