Monday, 27 September 2010

Paleo in a Nutshell Video Spoof

Someone has created a spoof (or as they more grandly put it, satire) of Paleo in a Nutshell Part 1. Here it is:

It's actually quite witty in places - exactly the sort of thing I would do myself about something I consider misguided. Indeed, the video maker actually makes one or two good points.

For example, I agree that the Paleo movement is at times cultish; and I concede that the use of a supermarket photo to illustrate our ready access to food is not ideal, as it might imply an endorsement.

Does it matter if the Paleo movement is sometimes a little cultish? I'm not sure that it does. It has no bearing on whether its premises are valid. If ideas that are garbage can attract a following, then it would be odd if those with genuine validity did not.

In any case, I think it lacks some important elements of a cult. At one point the video used the (rather amusing) "kneel before Zod" reference; but who is Zod in the Paleo movement? A few people writing books and running seminars on the subject isn't really enough, however charismatic they may be.

Likewise, it doesn't necessarily matter that people are making money out of it and some of its books say 'as seen on TV' on the front. It would also be strange if no one tried to make money from spreading a message that turned out to be correct. Or does the spoofer think that when something is genuinely true, the human desires to spread the word and make money suddenly melt away?

I also think the video maker has missed the point (deliberately or otherwise) that the original consciously simplifies a complex area in order to deliver an easily understood message. Yes, "Genetically the same" is not strictly true, but the long version (that the number of generations since we have started farming is roughly 300, which is not long enough to effect the necessary changes to digestive mechanisms etc etc) really can't be explored with the 'Nutshell' approach.

To some extent the spoof video sabotages its own effectiveness by trying to satire or rebut absolutely everything in the original, creating a peculiar mix of crude, childish humour and attempts at reasoned, factual argument. Say what you like about the original, it does at least know what it's trying to achieve, and does so relatively elegantly. The spoof is twice as long, wordy and fails to strike a consistent tone.

I am not in the business of making line-by-line rebuttals, and even if I were, I am not sure this piece of work, funny though it was, justifies the effort.

So I'm not going to accept it as a video response on You Tube because I am not prepared to counter the points with a more detailed video. I didn't make the original so that I could bicker with those who disagree, but to spread a message I believe to be worthy.

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Fred Flintstone's avatar

Fred Flintstone · 757 weeks ago

You won't allow it to be posted as a video response? get to say what you want to say in a public forum without being challenged, because you feel as though it is for the greater good. A bit cultish, would't you say? Not allowing for criticism is one of the elements of a cult, or at very least an exclusionary "if you're not with us you're against us" clique. Not impressed.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Hello Fred. I am sure you appreciate that your point holds limited water given that we are debating the issue in the comments of a post on my own blog giving the video airtime and conceding that yes, there are elements of the movement that are cultish. And indeed, you could interpret my unwillingness to post the video response on you tube as exclusionary, and perhaps it is. But as I explained, my purpose in publishing the video was not to open a debate (that is happening here instead) but to spread a message. I am not obliged to associate a video response to it any more than the author of a book is obliged to include in the appendix of the second edition a list of all the books that have disagreed with him/her. There are plenty of ways people can exercise the right of reply, such as in the comments of the video, where the spoof's author has made two comments, one of which tells you how to find his/her video anyway.
Look this is a sign that you did a good job that someone has gone through all that time and effort to take the piss out of a video you made. I would be complimented. It just shows how many people have watched it. Well done. Seriously its a good thing!!!!

But the paleo movement is getting a bit cultish!
1 reply · active 756 weeks ago
Thanks Dan - you make a good point.
haha...just shows how far paleo has come along when there's haters/critics of this degree =]
James - you were going pretty well there, you should have carried on! Yes, the spoof was a little sharp, which does it no favours. As you imply, just because cults are dogmatic, it doesn't make anything that's dogmatic a cult. I will be interested to see whether our friend has anything to add. Honestly, I don't really care whether the video is posted as a response or not, on reflection, because most fair-minded people (i.e. without a cauli for a brain!) would easily be able to figure out the difference for themselves.
Fred Flintstone's avatar

Fred Flintstone · 756 weeks ago

Hi Methuselah

I was drawn to this topic in the first place because a friend for whom I have great respect began discussing Paleo diets with me. As he began, his whaloe posture, speech pattern, everything changed as he began to quote the "facts". He's not an arrogant person, but the tone shifted so 180 to an I'm right and you're wrong attitude that I hade to see the information for myself. Someone posted earlier that there was nothing they found cultish, only dogmatic.
Fred Flintstone's avatar

Fred Flintstone · 756 weeks ago

The amount of assumption based on what cavemen ate 2,000,000 years ago, how they ran, what their rest patterns were was astounding. I also found that all of the Paleo movement information all seemed to be a reciting from very very few sources. As the spoof video suggests, and was my gut reaction as well, it is more plausible to believe that we have systems designed for survival, i.e. able to work with whatever resources were available. The cultish nature of the Paleo diet and its tie-in with CrossFit stems partially from the design of the two systems themselves as well as from the arrogance of its followers. The "rightness" of the diet comes out very early in discussions I have had with those who believe that they a very very right and others are very very wrong.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Fred, I am sorry that you have encountered arrogance amongst advocates of Paleo. I assure we are not all like that. Have you read any Lauren Cordain? He has done some pretty rigorous accademic research into the area. He is the author of The Paleo Diet. You may find this paper interesting:

Fred Flintstone's avatar

Fred Flintstone · 756 weeks ago

Just read the Counter Arguments Paper. Unfortunately, it strengthens a few of my points: 1) it was written by the same group (including Cordain) who proposed the Paleo Diet in the first place, so the diversity in credible research and opinion is just not there and 2) actual anthropological fact is skewed by being followed by a lot of "if", "could" and "probably". It's easiest to push theories based on presumption if fact can be used to introduce it, making the reader believe that it is all part of the same fact base.
Fred Flintstone's avatar

Fred Flintstone · 756 weeks ago

If the approach to the diet were just that, a good healthy choice "diet" (not implying "fad", just a following of specific nutritional guidelines) I would say, "Hey great! I'm glad it works for you!" But when it translates to alienating and judging other, as in having cauliflower brains for having milk and bread, then it's an exclusivity that appraoches a cult. The spoofer is right in reacting strongly to the tone of the first film, as much as the extreme supposition of much of its content.
anti-hivemind's avatar

anti-hivemind · 756 weeks ago

Hey dude,

Just wanted to make a comment in regards to your youtube Paelo diet video part 2. The one referring to exercise. You showed a picture of Kevin Levrone and asserted he could not run away from a lion or climb a fence. Just saying the dude is a lot more agile then you would think. See here and here I wanted to point that out, but enjoyed the food video very much.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Hi - I know. I would like to re-make part 2 when I get time. There are a couple of things I would like to change. First, to make it clearer that long, slow cardio IS in tune with our evolutionary past - i.e. because we were persistence hunters, and that Kevin Levrone was indeed more agile than the average bodybuilder, and therefore perhaps use a different photo!
Fred Flintstone's avatar

Fred Flintstone · 756 weeks ago

Unfortunately, many who have permanently associated Paleo Diet with CrossFit do not acknowledge the benefits of distance training. In fact, it is all but mocked on many CrossFit websites. I will absolutely honest here, seriously: as a diet, using Paleo as a loose guideline sounds, at its core, like a decent option for healthy eating. Not eating bread, grains or dairy is a bit much for me and I would choose not to follow it. Also, the whole-body approach of CrossFit seems like a great idea at its core. Like I said in an earlier post, it's the "wrongness" of all other health choices that will ensure that I never subscribe to it, in the face of its absolute "rightness".
Fred Flintstone's avatar

Fred Flintstone · 756 weeks ago

Also, kudos for acknowledging the need to change portions of the second video. Not sure how you will integrate the fact that long slow cardio is in tune with our evolutionary past as it flies in the face of many of the slides that say the opposite. There was a book called "Long Distance Runner" or something like that, (it's been years) in which a renowned anthropologist counters emerging theories of the intense start-and-stop lifestyle of cavemen. I'll try and track down the actual name and author.
anti-hivemind's avatar

anti-hivemind · 756 weeks ago

NVM I see my point was already made in youtube comments.
Fred Flintstone's avatar

Fred Flintstone · 756 weeks ago

The fact remains that NOBODY has any real proof that the species was tailored specifically to food sources available over a period of time, as opposed to its being endowed with a "universal", adaptable digestive system that could process a wider range of foods than what is proposed in the Paleo Diet. One makes more sense than the other to me, while one makes more sense to you. If there is no concensus on that basic fact, there will always be polarity in opinions of the validity of an exclusive Paleo diet. If it works for you, great, just like any other diet. I don't have a cauliflower brain because I eat a cheeseburger from time to time, that's an arrogant stance.
It's a shame you see the cauliflower reference in this way - it certainly wasn't meant to be insulting or arrogant and most people seem to have taken it in the good humour it was intended. I am happy to acknowledge that others hold a different view, just as most people are happy to acknowledge my right to create videos explaining my own view in a humorous, but perhaps slightly dogmatic way. Others are free to create their own videos, and should they so desire, to compare my brain to a vegetable, as a light hearted joke or in any other way. Such is the nature of free speech. I have been known to eat the odd cheeseburger in moments of weakness, but you will be pleased to know I have not fallen into a spiral of self-loathing based on the cauliflower in my own video.
Fred Flintstone's avatar

Fred Flintstone · 756 weeks ago

Good to know! LOL!
Damndirtyape's avatar

Damndirtyape · 756 weeks ago

Waste of time.. Didn't even watch past the part where he equates farming as the reason for living longer. This is a bogus misdirection and the author knows it.

Paleolithic man did not have antibiotics, indoor plumbing, surgery or any form of modern medicines. Perhaps a steady supply of grains will keep you alive in a climate where fresh game and fruits/veggies are not available and starvation is the only alternative , but that in no way equates to grains and grain-fed meat as being ideal for human health and lifespan in people with constant access to food and medicine.

If this video is going to wildly distort such a basic point, there is no need to see the whole thing.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
On a second viewing, it's hard to disagree. I think I may have been too generous in my assessment, perhaps because of a desire not a appear overly sensitive to criticism.
I would just like to say this... there is no better "argument" than the results. Show me a Paleo dieter who is fat and out of shape with major health problems. Oh really, you can't find one? Thought so. Now show me staggering obesity rates amongst those who eat the average American diet (I'm in the US) with processed food, grains, etc. in addition to their staggering sick-care bills due to a whole host of diseases and disorders. Wait, I don't have enough time for that... nevermind.

No matter how you look at it, the results speak for themselves. I challenge anyone to try a Paleo diet first and then criticize it. Lord knows we've all tried the obesity-producing alternatives.
Well put, Liz.
It must feel as a great compliment that they now make a parody on your successful video. I hope to reach that status one day too. Keep up the good paleo work. VBR Hans.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Thanks Hans - I guess it does feel a little like that.
I'm going to have to agree with Liz. The results do speak for themselves, even though the science and "gurus" promoting the science are kind of shady. Here's what I have found.

The benefits are:
More even mood
More energy
Higher sex drive
General feeling of wellbeing
Easier to stay under 10% bodyfat

Drawbacks are:
Limited diet options
Decrease in sprint speed
Muscles flatten out and don't look as big
Small decrease in strength at first when doing >8 reps

All the drawbacks can be remedied with re-feed days though.
Grambo, thanks for commenting. It all sounds familiar. For, me, however:

- I love the things we are allowed to eat so much I don't mind the limitation
- I liked the new, leaner, less bulky physique that resulted so I was cool with that too
And big pharma and big agra aren't elitist cults?

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